
Reasons why Myst is way more hardcore than Dark Souls

Another one from the archives while I’m clearing up my personal social media (read: Deleting as much as I can).

Much like the last one, I felt this was worth keeping, so without further ado:



-Go to the thing

-Get killed

-Go to the other thing

-Atmosphere of the world is pretty WYSIWYG

-There are bad guys and they’re all tough

-Didn’t have a satirical follow up starring John Goodman


-What the fuck do I do?

-I’ve been pushing this lever for 10 mins and it does nothing


-Atmosphere of the world lulls you into a false sense of security

-There are no bad guys. Just your own incompetence

-PYST exists, and it’s glorious


Hey so I provide this on my own website, funded by myself, with my own money. If you liked this and want to support this nonsense, feel free to flick me a couple of bucks on Ko-Fi!


Not another one…

Hoo boy this is one of those posts where I wish I was younger and didn’t know any better. But I’m turning 40 this year.


For those who don’t know, I’m a pretty staunch Neil Gaiman fan. I have a bunch of his books, poured several hundo into The Absolute Sandman, bought the humble bundle, went to see him (and Kevin Smith!) at Graphic, and we follow each other on Last.FM (remember that?).

For those who somehow have been living under a rock, it turns out Neil Gaiman is -shall we say- a wee bit of a grub.

Ok fine he’s a piece of shit.

I’m no genius on the nuances of depravity and sexual assault (hint: there are none, it seems), but I’ve talked about it with people, tried to rationalize it the best way I can, read both sides of the story (well, Neil’s responses and that fairly detailed article on Vulture), and yup. No can do this time.

At first I thought maybe -just maybe- this was a once off anomaly, bad judgement of a man in his 60’s, a misread situation, another wannabe Dom who didn’t read the fucking manual (and maybe I still think that, in a way. I mean, we’ve all made mistakes, right?). But it’s hard to justify that when Gaiman is incredibly smart, incredibly well-read, worldy, a wise sage and a fantastic storyteller. One whose worlds I have been enthralled by, engaged with, and -as much as one can do with a book- lived in.

To wit; he knows what he fucking did, and he knows what he did was wrong. Well, maybe not wrong, maybe he was misguided, but real, breathing, living fucking (and seemingly vulnerable)people got hurt in the process.

Hurt enough to report it as abuse.

As someone who is a fan of his work, it’s heartbreaking, sure (I’m still not over Rik Mayall’s passing, so this is gonna take some time). But as someone with a little bit of a conscience and common sense, it’s appalling, and upsetting (I guess I know how all the trans/enby/queer folk feel about J.K. Rowling now).

But who the fuck am I? I can’t do anything about it. I’m an idiot with a blog and a noisy keyboard.

He says on his blog he’s gonna do better, do the work, and make amends, and the naïve, 39 year old idiot manchild in me still believes him a little. But now’s probably not the time for conjecture.

As far as his works that I own? He has my money, already. If I want to spend more I can buy them used or pick an author who isn’t fucking awful. Hell I never read any KA Applegate growing up and she seems like a legend.

And to Neil: You don’t know I exist outside of Twitter, but mate, do better. For yourself, at least. Might not fix the hurt you’ve caused these women, or your fans, but at least you can fix yourself so you’re not such a shitty human. The world has enough of those.


Roses Chocolates

Doing a social media cleanup. Found this in the void which is Facebook memories.

posting here for posterity. enjoy.

A cross section of Roses chocolates: A tasty, indulgent, and diabetic coma-inducing research paper by T. A. Farto.

(Alternative title: “I have chocolate and you don’t. Ner-ner-ner”)

One thing of note is modern packaging has made the text hard to read for the sight-impaired. Thus fulfilling what hereafter shall be referred to as “The Gump Theorem”.

To further complement the above, all chocolates are individually wrapped in similar-coloured packaging. This is known colloquially as the “Go Fuck Yourself Theorem”.

The chocolate themselves can be categorized as follows:

10% – Actually Good. These are the ones that one hordes for themselves like a dragon. These are solely what Roses boxes should comprise of.

70% – Trash. Possibly put into box to deter thieves or anyone in the 10-45 age demographic.

20% – What you offer to mates. They’re not in the top 10 percentile but these eventually make it into the hands of others, or your own after you’re hungover on New Years Day and there’s nothing in the house left.

20% – I failed at basic math in high school. Blow me.

Conclusion: Favourites are still the shit. Or, at least the branding is clearly marked so you know what to avoid.

More research is required to accurately place each individual serving into categories (read: I’m probably going to polish the box off anyway, because I have no shame).

NOTE: Preference of chocolate is highly subjective and the quality thereof is debateable. Except for whatever that pinky-white piece of shit is supposed to be. Best avoided or pelted at cars.


Hey so I provide this on my own website, funded by myself, with my own money. If you liked this and want to support this nonsense, feel free to flick me a couple of bucks on Ko-Fi!


From the ashes….

So ‘Don’t Eat the Felafel’ as an ezine was an amazing failure.

Maybe I’ll get back to it, maybe not. But it’s become very apparent that I do a lot of shit online, and I need someplace to curate it all into a handy-dandy list of shit I do…

…and still have a place for me to shitpost outside of Facebook, and blog my thoughts somewhere that people read. Which rules out Livejournal. Does anyone even use livejournal anymore?

Anyway welcome to version whatever. It’ll probably change back to ‘Don’t Eat the Felafel’ (edit. Changed it already. lol) because I love the title. but here we are.